Wednesday 14 August 2013

Book vs Film: Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters!

Hello everyone, today I will be doing a sort of review of the new Percy Jackson film, whilst simultaneously comparing it to the book.

And let me just tell you right now, you thought the first Percy Jackson film was different from the book? Trust me, somehow Sea of Monsters manages to change even more.

Let's watch the trailer:

Quite honestly the first time I saw the trailer I was just excited because I had no idea they were making another one. But then I re-read the book, and the issue I had before going to see this film was that the trailer alone was enough to tell me how different from the book this adaption was going to be, and that's not something that happens very often. 

Now then let's take a closer look at exactly what is different and whether or not I liked the film.

Many people pointed out that the first Percy Jackson film pretty much completely ignored the first portion of the book and went in it's own direction. If you thought Sea of Monsters wouldn't do that then you will be severely disappointed. 

For one Percy is already at camp when the film starts, not at school when the monsters attack and Annabeth saves him. 

Chiron doesn't get fired after Thalia's tree is poisoned meaning that Tantalus never makes an appearance and sadly neither does the chariot racing that I thought would have translated pretty cool had it made it on to the screen. Instead we are given some assault course challenge that Clarisse wins to become the best of the half bloods. Slightly less dramatic than a chariot race but it serves it's purpose and was probably a heck of a lot cheaper.

Also, Grover does not go on any quest, he is at camp from the beginning as you will have noticed from the trailer, it would seem his whole quest to find Pan has been scrapped. 

Tyson doesn't travel to camp half blood with Percy instead he just appears saying he followed a glowing trident sent by Poseidon to get there.

Oh and there's only one mechanical bull in the film instead of two. (No killer birds either) That being said that mechanical bull was pretty damn cool it didn't really need a friend so they win a point there from me. 

The chariot of damnation. That is in the book, but it happens differently. They take the chariot to camp half blood, not to Florida (or Washington were they end up).

Well I think that pretty much covers everything that was changed at the beginning. At least that is all I can remember or stood out to me as being different. So as you can see there is a lot of changes. 

Now I feel I need to shed some light on this film, that many of you may not already know. There is a total of 5 books in this series, however only 3 films will be made. This is including the two that have already been released meaning there is only one film left to go.

Needless to say I automatically thought that this meant they would be making 2 books in to one film so the film Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters would actually be Sea of Monsters & Titan's Curse. I was wrong.
This film was just Sea of Monsters. So I can only assume that they will not be making books 3&4 into films and instead skipping straight to end. If this is in fact what will happen I hope the script writers at least read books 3 & 4 because there are some very important things that go on in those that make a difference to the final book. For example Thalia makes a decision that means the prophecy no longer applies to her. They brought Thalia back to life in the film, I hope they don't ignore this and actually have it as though she is still part of the prophecy.

Anyway my main point is that I went into this film knowing that it would not be exactly the same as the book, so I was mentally prepared for some drastic changes.
The biggest? Well that was one I didn't really expect and that was the waking up of Kronos, I honestly don't remember that happening at all, I don't think we ever actually see Kronos in his Titan form I only remember him taking control of Luke's body in the Last Olympian, maybe I'm mistaken I can't quite remember. So that shocked me a little bit but I guess they had to start tying this film with the last one in some way and this was the best way to go.
(by the way what was with the unnecessary killing and resurrection of Annabeth in the space of about 5 minutes? what was the point in that? Is this the script writers way of showing that Percy cares for Annabeth as more than just a friend? That's the only reason I can assume for putting that in.)

I'm not going to divulge much more than that because obviously I don't want to spoil the whole film for those who plan to see it and haven't read the book! What I will say for those who have read the book, the siren bit, when Annabeth wants to listen to their song whilst in the sea of monsters, well that doesn't happen, I guess it's not exactly important to the story but I would have liked to have seen it.

I guess all that's left to say is did I enjoy the film or not?

I enjoyed it! Which shocked me if I'm honest. Usually I am one of those books fans that absolutely hates when unnecessary changes are made to the story, I can handle parts being cut but when new things are added or things happen differently to how they did in the book I don't like it. Perhaps the reason I enjoyed this film was because I went in knowing it was going to be very different because of the simple fact that there would be only one more film after this.

Honestly I agree with what the majority of critics have said about this film. The story is not as good as the first film, but the visuals are far better. And it's true, there are a lot of scenes in the film that are very visually impressive, one of those being the mechanical bull. If you can look past all those changes and take this film for what it is on face value, then I have no doubt you'll enjoy it. You probably won't love it, you won't be rushing out to buy it on DVD the day it comes out, but I doubt you'll hate it.

It's a good film on it's own merits away from the book. Once I got passed that (which was about a third of the way into the film) I was able to enjoy it.

That's all for today I hope you enjoyed this post and I shall see you all on Friday!

Don't forget to comment below and tell me your opinion on the film or the book, let me know what you think! I would love to hear from you!

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