Friday 1 May 2015

April Favourites.

I'm not usually one for doing favourites, I'm a very indecisive person you see but this month a few moments and products stood out that I would like to share with you all.

I'm not going to guarantee this as a monthly thing as I said I'm indecisive and I'm not really someone that tends to stick with the same routine over and over such as the same eye make up, lipstick etc lets just call me fickle haha!

A few of these products I have already reviewed for my blog over the past month so instead of detailing it out here again I shall link you over to the full review if you want to know more!

First up is Rimmel Oh My Gloss in the shade Snog. Which on me is the perfect your lips but better kind of shade. Comfortable to wear non sticky and moisturising this lip gloss line was game changer. Check out the full review HERE for more!

Another game changer for me. After years of having to change my nail polish everyday three days and sometimes even more frequently I finally found a nail polish range that lasts ages and doesn't break the bank. Barry M have truly wowed me with their new Sunset Daylight Curing Polishes I won the colour Fuchsia Generation. Check out the full review HERE for more!

This product was a gift from my mum. She had about seven hand creams on no one needs that many so she let me take one off her hands I chose the Amande flavour. It's a very light and creamy moisturiser and sinks into the skin pretty fast which is good and the scent which I like lingers for a while which I think is a plus, what's the point of scented hand cream if the scent doesn't stick around? Would I buy this myself? No probably not, it's a bit expensive for a hand cream and others out there probably do a similar job at a cheaper price. However if you don't mind splashing the cash on hand cream all power to you go ahead and but it's good!

This particular one is here as a connection to my Disney heart. I stand by what I say in the full review this reminds me of the Candy Apples from Main Street Confectionery more than it's Snow White connection, but it's still a delicious scent and as you can just about see from the picture I've nearly used it all up so I'll have to be buying more soon! Read the full review HERE! 

The reason this is included is because about I week ago I was having some serious trouble with blackheads but after leaving this baby on for about half an hour my nose was blackhead free, it really is a miracle worker, check out the full review for more HERE!

I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned this product before, it's been in my make up arsenal for at least six months now. As a green eyed girl (admittedly they're dark green so it can be hard to tell) I do anything to try and make that colour pop and stand out and I've learnt over the years that pink and purple eye make up does the trick. This little baby is a pink gold mix eye-shadow base that is perfect underneath any pink eye-shadow and really helps amplify the colour and pigmentation of the shadow you put on top but not only that it holds it there all day with no smudging or creasing, it is literally a wonder product I already have my eye on the bright blue shade to wear as a gel eye liner in the summer months so watch this space for more on that!


I first started watching this show to help connect the dots in the Marvel Universe ahead of Avengers Age of Ultron since we all know it's all connected, never did I expect it to turn into one of my favourite shows on TV right now! It's heading for it's season two finale right now so if you're interested in watching get started now to avoid any spoilers. Naturally if you've seen Captain America Winter Soldier that's already I huge story line spoiler!

That's all for today folks I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a great weekend!
Share some of your favourites for the month of April with me in the comments or via social media!


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